Pine View Astronomy

Friday, January 12, 2007

APOD 3.2: NGC 602 and Beyond

NGC 602 is a 5 million year star cluster that lies near the outer edge of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy 200 thousand light-years away. The star cluster is undergoing in active star formations. Near the center of the picture, there are young hot stars being formed. The "maw" shape of the cloud is thought to have been caused by the radiation and winds emitted from the young stars, blowing the interstellar medium away as well as moving the stars away from the center.
To the left of the cloud you can see galaxy, this is only one out of many background galaxies that is in the picture. Many of these galaxies lie hundreds of millions of light-years away from the cluster. The Cluster itself spans 200 light-years.


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