Pine View Astronomy

Friday, August 25, 2006

APOD post:
The Blue Lagoon, or M8, is a star-forming diffuse nebula in the constellation Sagittarius. The nebula is located 6 degrees north of the tip of the teapot; the asterism that is located in Sagittarius. Its apparent diameter is 40x60 arc min, and is 5.2 kly away. The nebula is big enough that you can see it with the naked eye. It was not discovered, however, until 1747 by Le Gentil. In the brightest part of the nebula is a feature commonly called 'The Hourglass Nebula,' due to its shape. This is the region where star formations are currently being made.

Monday, August 21, 2006

At 9:05 pm I went out to look for Jupiter, but their were clouds obscuring the sky, and their were only a few small patches of clear sky. Also, there is a streetlight in front of my house, in the north west, so I couldn't see Jupiter. Tomorrow I will try to measure the angle of a star, or Jupiter if it is visible.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

APOD: Spitzer's Orion.

It is the Orion Nebula, or M42, and can be seen with the naked eye as the middle "star" of Orion's sword in the Orion constellation. The nebula is about 1500 light years away with a dimension of 85x60 arc min, and is the brightest diffuse nebula with a brightness of a 4th magnitude star. There is approximately 2300 young stars and 200 stellar embryos in the nebula. The photo is an infrared shot of the nebula taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Saturday Aug. 12 I went out in my backyard (Venice Fl.) to see the meteor shower again. This time I went out at 9:30 pm. Within th first half hour I saw six meteors. My mom said she saw one in the south but I missed that one. The sky was a lot clearer that Friday night and not as humid. I don't know why I saw more meteors Sat. night than Friday night. One of the meteors I saw was very bright, perhaps it is what's called a fireball? I'm not sure. but it was bright.
I styed out there for an hour and although the first half was busy, the latter half was extremely quiet. I saw not a single meteor. I wonder why? Well, I also got up at 4:am Sun. but clouds had moved in and the waning moon was up so there was nothing to see.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday night at 9:00pm, I Selly R. went out to see the meteor shower. The night was in the low 80's and humid. The sky was mostly clear but there was high cloud clover that obscured some of the sky. I went out in my backyard, but I think that the area is too bright as there is a street light in front of my house. I did see two meteors and my dad saw two more, so four meteors in about an hour is pretty good considering all of the light pollution.
I also saw a dozen airplanes, a few sattelites, and Scorpio which was rising in the south. I went back in at 10:15 since I can't stand the masquitos and wanted some sleep. I might wake early and check if there is anything to see, but I doubt it because of the moon. I did not see the moon but I believe it had begun to rise because the paper said it will start to rise around 9:58. I will try again tomorrow night.

My first log: Hello, I created this blog because it is part of a school assignment. Go Astronomy! I really like Astronomy cause my dad is also into astronomy and I like science in general. I can't wait to abserve the sky.